Le logge ritrovate

Frazione Casigliano Campagna 19, Acquasparta - Terni(TR)

Phone 1:+393385889072 - Phone 2:+393403557380



During the major exhibitions in Umbria ( “Gubbio al tempo di Giotto. Tesori d’arte nella terra di Oderisi ” and ” Capolavori del Trecento. Il cantiere di Giotto, Spoleto e l’Appennino ” ) the Bed and Breakfast Le Logge Ritrovate, conveniently equidistant from the exhibition halls (Gubbio, Montefalco Scheggino, Spoleto and Trevi ) offer overnight stays and breakfast in a double room for three nights or three rooms for one night at the special price of 200 euros. Contact us


“A wonderful waste of time,
an impossible task,
the invention of a dream”

Lorenzo “Jovanotti” Cherubini

An old farmhouse brought back to a new  life has become the place for an unusual and attractive stay in the heart of  Umbria with the peace  and the colours of a scenery that changes along the seasons. We will welcome you warmly and friendly in rooms furnished with taste and care each with private bathroom and a wide panoramic view.  You will enjoy to relax in the porch, in the garden or in the lounge beside the fireplace to read, to talk or simply to have a glance at the landscape around.


Watch the landscape
Enjoy the peace
Listen to nature’s whispers